divendres, 30 d’abril del 2010
HeLp ThE aNiMaLs
Pro-Gat has only a small area and not enough money to look after the animals. We can help by making donations of money and food to Pro-Gat. We can also participate in events organised to raise money:
-On saturday the 8th of May; Cocktail party to help Pro-Gat. Every drink bought=1€ to Pro-Gat.
-Place. BLUE SKY empuriabrava
-Time: 20:00-22:00 hrs.
StRaNgE wEaThEr
What is happening to the weather? Only two months ago we had snow for the first time in many years. Two weeks ago it was cold and wet. This week it has been very hot and sunny but the prevision for this weekend is cold and wet again!
I hope this summer we will have sun and hot temperatures. If we do not my plans for time on the beach and at the swimming pool will be destroyed. Are we suffering the efects of global warming?
InFoRmAl LeTtEr
Castelló d'empúries
9th April 2010
Dear kieron,
Thanks for your letter. You have asked me to recommend an area I know in my country, Spain. I recommend you to visit the city of Girona. Girona is a 30 minutes from my village, Castelló d'Empúries.
Girona has a big population a lot of bussinesses and shops. It's a very old city and it is divided into two parts by the river.
There's the old area and the new area. In Girona you can walk along the city walls, visit shops, relax in a café and eat in restaurants.
There is a touristic train to take you round the city. You should also visit the cathedral.
New Girona there's and international airport. You can also drive to the coast for example; Palamós, platja de aro... If the weather is not good you can go to "magma"(and indor spa).
When you visit I have we can meet. Of you come in summer the weather will be hot. Remember you need Euros not pound! If you need any more help pelase ask me
Take Care,
Sergi Garcia
diumenge, 18 d’abril del 2010
SeXy BiTcH - AkOn Ft. DaViD GuEtTa
I like this song because I remember my holidays in french,the summer... and when I listen the song, I'll think that the next summer is here.
dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010
dimarts, 6 d’abril del 2010
Lewis Hamilton faces charges over street wheelsping
The British racing driver Lewis Hamilton is to face charges in an Australian court a after being caught doing a weelsping on a street in Melbourne.
The fortmer Formula One world champion was fasted in opening practice for Sunday’s Australian Grand Prix on the track the city’s Albert Park,.
Today, at round 9.15pm local time, Hamilton was driving along Lakeside Drive-which forms part of the track- when he did a bournout- spinning his wheels to send up smoke- and a fishtail in his silver Mercedes saloon
Unfottunately for Hamilton, the street appears to have been open to normal traffic al the time and a Victorian Police van following the Mercedes pulled him over. His car will be held for 48 hours and Hamilton charged and fined.
British Formula One racing driver Lewis Hamilton has been caught speeding in his Mercedes. He made his card spin round. He is Formula One champion but he has to keep the law. Hia car is with the police and Hamilton will have a police record and finded.
From Times Online
March 26,2010