divendres, 30 d’abril del 2010

HeLp ThE aNiMaLs

The number of stray animals(animals without homes) is a problem in Empuriabrava and Castelló. Many people get a cat or dog without thinking about the work involved. When the animal becomes a problem the people leave the cat or dog on the street.
Pro-Gat has only a small area and not enough money to look after the animals. We can help by making donations of money and food to Pro-Gat. We can also participate in events organised to raise money:
-On saturday the 8th of May; Cocktail party to help Pro-Gat. Every drink bought=1€ to Pro-Gat.
-Place. BLUE SKY empuriabrava
-Time: 20:00-22:00 hrs.

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